Is being a housewife a scam?

I have literally been thinking about this for the past few days. Do not ask why because I really do not why lmao. To be honest, I think it has been a collective of thoughts such as parenting, incentives and so forth.

Being a housewife is a JOB ok? It is an occupation. Many people will argue about this but it really is. In the small time I have spent being on maternity leave and being a newlywed. It has felt like work. I am not complaining but I am realising the things women go through as housewives and in my own words, “this might not be it y’all”.

Parenting alone is hard and do NOT let anyone come and tell you it isn’t, unless they have experienced it or they have some sort of cheat code. Now imagine, I only have one child but imagine looking after 3 children under the age of 5 and looking after a household. That sh** crazy. Taking care of the actual home usually involves cooking, cleaning, picking up after the kids once they’ve made a mess (to which you have cleaned before btw), making noise and so forth. Then you need to get them ready, head out to do errands. Reading that alone is making me tired. Like a job, you would be tired after your shift has finished and that shift is when your children are put to bed lmao. Sorry, and there’s people doing this job for free. Lord knows I need to get paid by hubby with extra incentives to do this role. Otherwise it will never slap, sorry!

In my opinion being a housewife, REALISTICALLY makes sense when your children are in full time education as you have slightly more time on your hands, or when they are much older whereby they can fend for themselves or when you don’t have children. Reason being is that you are more available and you can do whatever you want!

You can agree to disagree with me at any point, I’m just simply making points off of what I’ve been seeing and experiencing. Below we have a post, which I came across on Instagram and that’s what triggered this post that I’m making.

@nkonkosa on Instagram

To sum up it basically was talking about a woman from Kenya whom was a housewife, divorcing her husband. She took him to court for half of the house they was sharing previously because she felt she had the rights to it after being a housewife for so long and it would not make sense to why she should walk away with nothing. So the judge basically ruled they sell the property and share the money equally. Then she added (below)


I couldn’t agree more with what the judge said. For me, if your husband is not compromising on things as you work hard in the home, it’s not a good look. Even if he’s paying for everything, does he still take you out? Does he look after the kids when you need down time? Does he give you an allowance or treat you to nice things? Does he make your life easier? Questions to ponder on.

Share your thoughts and opinions dolls.


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